Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Christmas Eve

I can well and truely say I am pants at blogging...but hey I don't have much to blog about

My gloves that I was making in my last blog are done, unfortunately I'm not happy as the cable is different on each and I managed to make one short than the other.  But soon I'm going to try knitting a new pair in the round which will hopefully turn out better!

Christmas is nearly here, and even though its tomorrow I'm still not quite feeling it.  Tomorrow sounds like it might be quite busy, well partly.  As always Father Christmas will have visited and left me lots of nice things, then my Grandma, aunt and sister are all coming round for present opening and lunch, after that we're going to my sister's with her boyfriend and his family for the rest of the day.  This means I'm going round there is afternoon to go and cook various things, probably tidy up a bit and make sure the cats aren't licking all the food!

Seen as this time last year I was in Canada, this year is actually really odd, relaxed! No packing, no worrying about getting lost in airports on my own and all of that stuff.  This all got me to thinking what a strange year it had been, but to be honest an amazing year, I've done new things, made some decisions and set myself up for next year which if all goes to plan will be one of the best hopefully!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Something to blog about..finally

So, my sister's been getting on at me for ages to get knitting, I've started a few times and just got bored and given up. Now I have a project, and as much as I wish it wasn't true I'm quite liking this knitting malarkey!

The plan is to end up with a pair of fingerless gloves/arm warmers. I decided what I wanted to do, I went to the Knitting and Stitching show with Hannah and found my wool (some gorgeous slate brown wool from Kent), and after a bit of practice knitting the maths has been done and Hannah worked out my stitches per row and all that!

Now the fun bit, actually doing it, I've just started and so far so good, doing a bit of cabling which is new to me, but watch this space and pretty soon I should have a new pair of gloves!

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

some confessions

oneyour my brapette, your a star and i miss spending time with you, i know i drive you crazy sometimes, i tell boring stories that you've heard before, but everyone needs a few faults don't they =] all i wanna say is i hope we never drift apart cos you've really helped me in the past. always had a way of cheering me up when i was in the worst mood or on a complete downer...and today you didn't fail, i miss the lessons we had together, i'm glad we got so close in those last years cos it woulda been hell without you there, so what we're a pair of nutters, i wouldn't change it for the world

threewe used to fight, and we probably still would, two stubborn people who didn't understand compromise, bit of comedy for everyone else, but that's what made us us!

fouri'm sorry for the hurt i probably caused you, i loved you so much, i held on for so long, i hate to say that our last few days were far from perfect but i'm glad we didn't let it take over our friendship, you made my summer great, even if it didn't go to plan, and i still miss you, and it still kinda hurts me, but time will heal that, don't let me lose touch with you please

fivei'm sorry, you drive me nuts, i can't sit through the conversations any more

sixi'm sorry if i hurt you, i really am, i never meant to, sorry it didn't go to plan

sevenwhat happened? we used to make sure we did right by you so you wouldn't get offended by stupid things, we used to wait when you never turned up, you never even phoned, you called me a bitch behind my back, and compared to what you did i was an angel, never betray a friends trust, we still talk about what you did, cos it hurt, the others more than me...and now you obviously don't have time for the "friends" you used to hang onto and make feel guilty.
so yea, i'm a bit of a bitch, and to be honest maybe its good we've drifted

eighti don't tell all my problems, i don't tend to let out how i feel about people but i open up to you, it may seem like all we do is rant at each other but i like that, i'm glad we became close this year, i've needed someone to talk to so much, thank you for the things you don't even know you've done

nineyour a fab mate, you help me with decisions, you make sense...but you have undermined me, you have put down one of my closest mates, you've been rude and you make it sound like your better than the rest of us, give it a rest or i won't apologise for what i say this time

teni dunno how we got so close, but i'm glad we did, i know i'm mean to you, and i've hurt you, but your the one i've got closest to there, the one i will truely miss when we leave, and the one i never wanna lose as a friend